This song also showcased the vocal flexibility of JUMP, individually. It immediately captured my heart the first time I heard it. Aside from the distinct melancholic intro and lyrics, each member was able to sing their parts gently and gracefully emotional. They delicately delivered the message of this song through their singing. Adding some effects (I actually don't know the proper term for it) did not affect the vocal quality of the members. Instead, it "spiced up" the totality of the song.
落ち着いてておしゃれでああかっこいい…と一目惚れした曲です。サビを静かに締めるI close my eyesに胸打たれました。ラストサビに向けた山田くんの甘くも儚い声、薮くんのまっすぐ通った芯のある歌声、また山田くんの最後に余韻を残す歌い方に続き、髙木くんの低音でしっとり歌い上げるこの流れが至高です。
鳥肌がとまらない。Hey!Say!JUMPも満場一致で気に入った一曲。有岡くんのソロパートがたまらないですよね、甘くて切ない有岡くんのミラクル焦がしキャラメルマシュマロボイスがマッチしていてTell me where you are〜!ここにいますよ〜!!!!!!